Thursday, March 17, 2011

Double X-Chromosome Syndrome

I've always been very interested in medicine, and I find genetic disorders are particularly fascinating. I've decided to make a blog post about a surprisingly common genetic mutation known as Double X-Chromosome Syndrome. Statistically, it is extremely likely that one of you, the readers, has this condition. My next blog post will be about the equally prevalent XY Chromosome Syndrome.

Double X-Chromosome Syndrome is a shockingly prevalent but little known gene disorder that is severely inhibiting to the affected individual, both physiologically and psychologically. It is easily detectable pre-natally with 99.9% accuracy.

Physically, Double X is debilitating in its effects on the individual. On average, sufferers are 15 cm (6 in) shorter than the average person. They posses significantly less muscle mass and have extremely low levels of testosterone. Hips develop disproportionately wide and alter the gait (walking stance) of the individual. It is interesting to note that the occipital lobe develops faster and is larger in volume than normal, resulting in enhanced color perception.

Despite enhancement in the occipital lobe, Double X wreaks havoc on the rest of the brain, especially the lymbic system. Subjects suffer from intense hormonal fluctuations which results in extreme emotional dysregulation. The motor and cerebral cortices typically never reach full development. This inhibits spacial reasoning and motor function, and as such, tasks such as driving a car come with great difficulty.

The Double X psyche has been studied since Freud's time, yet it has proved remarkably difficult to understand. To date, no study of the exceptionally unique Double X mind or its motivations has drawn reliable conclusions, because of the uncommonly complex, paradoxical, and unpredictable behavioral patterns associated with the condition.

In spite of the difficulties associated with Double X, an extraordinary amount of sufferers have nonetheless become productive, successful members of society. Notable examples include Susan B. Anthony, civil rights activist and Marie Curie, scientific pioneer.

Next week I will discuss the equally fascinating X/Y Chromosome Syndrome.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I inherited my Cro Magnon genetics from the Szekely part of the family. About 75% of Szekely males are born Double Y's. Double Y is not a crime, it is not a disease, it is a genotype. The attempted extermination of my kind is the crime of genocide . After it was discovered that all Cro Magnon males were Double Y, attempts were made to eliminate all knowledge about Cro Magnons, but, the cultural establishment was only able to change definitions about Cro Magnons. When I was in grade school we were taught that first there were Neanderthals, who couldn't speak; then, there were Cro Magnons who could speak, read, write, and do arithmetic. It was thought that there had to be some evolution in between. That unknown evolution was called the "missing link". Old books on prehistory, that have the true information, Neanderthal to Missing Link to Cro Magnon, can still be found in old book stores and yard sales.
    The cut and paste here are from my older articles. All I have to do is google lahunken and I can find my old articles. I have been writing on the internet since 1999. I have been publishing in print since 1969. If this material were in Wikipedia it would be public enough so that I wouldn't need to spread it. My past Yahoo group, alchemy61, which had 231 members, was wiped off the face of the earth after my computer was crashed by computer viruses.
