Sunday, April 3, 2011

5 things I love about BYU-I

Rexburg, Idaho
  • It's in Idaho. ಠ_ಠ
  • 17,527 residents
  • 5.0 square miles
  • Average temperature: 35°F
  • Average wind speed: 14 knots. Rexburg literally blows.
  • 98 % republican. This is a very 'unique' brand of conservatism. Yes that's a euphemism. (A group of schoolchildren brought honor to Rexburg by chanting "Assassinate Obama! Assassinate Obama!" on a school bus)
  • 100% boring.
The Spirit of Ricks
Since the transition from a 2-year Junior College named Ricks College into the 4-year University named BYU-Idaho, a prevailing mission of the school was to preserve the 'unique atmosphere' found on campus. "Everybody's so friendly". "I feel like I can ask any question in class without feeling stupid." "My professors are really understanding and cut us a lot of slack." Now, I'm not one to speak above the accreditation agencies, but I question the academic rigor of a university that actively seeks to appear as a Junior College.

"But It's still a good school!!"

The No Shorts rule.
I just can't avert my lustful eyes from sexy knees.

I love High School
"My mom called and told me I got a 50 on my homework, but it was only one day late."
"Well I usually don't accept late work, but I gave you credit just this once."
"What?! Ugh oh my gosh."

"Oh my gosh, my mom signed me up for all the wrong classes!"- 22 year old Junior

"Now I don't mean to brag, but BYU-I has logged over 1200% more tutoring hours than BYU-
Provo, yet they usually say that Provo is better academically. Heheheh."- Professor

My response to the above situations

False religious and political dogma
[learning about Church's stance on personal liberty and property rights] "And nowadays certain individuals who shall remain unnamed are trying to take away our rights to managing our own property by forcing us to get things like healthcare the way they want"

[super-leet science professor is explaining how evolution isn't against the Gospel to an angry Utah-rd] "Are you serious?! If evolution is true than we're no different from monkeys! And God said that mankind is different from all other animals!"

"Well, no, evolution doesn't say we evolved from mon-"

"If we're based off monkeys, we're basically monkeys."


Added Bonus!
‎"Alright class, time for a quick anthropology lesson. What does the suffix 'ite' mean? Think about Israelite, Nephite, Bethlehemite..."

"Ohh like termite!"

Banging head on desk avatar

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